Well, the wind just got knocked out of my sails. I was so excited to use a computer that wasn't at the MTC so that I could send you pictures, but the computers at the library don't have the software to plug the camera straight into the computer. I'd have to have a flash drive. But even if I had a flash drive, how would I get the pictures onto the flash drive from my camera? I'd have to use the computer, which I can't. BUM! I'm so annoyed. Man....... (Mom, especially because I'm wearing my companions cardigan and it's animal print and I wanted to show you a picture. Oh well, I guess.)
So, I'm in the field! That's a crazy thought. I've been here a week. The day we got here was relaxing, except that we had to get up at 3 am to get here. But that's okay. I got to take a nap, which was HEAVENLY! We met President Clayton and his wife and got some orientation done from the assistants. It was cool. Most of the 15 sisters that came (15 sisters and 9 elders came into the mission this transfer. Cool, huh?!) stayed with the sisters from the Mormon Battalion. They all live in this one apartment complex together. I stayed with a Sister Riggs and Sister Rasmussen. The next morning all of the new missionaries were given a tour of the Mormon Battalion and then we went off to the church building where transfer meeting was.
Transfer meeting was so exciting! Before all the transfers were announced and people started moving around all of the new missionaries stood up and introduced ourselves. When it was my turn I stood up, turned around (because we were in the front two rows) and said "My name is Sister Bishop and I'm from Austin, Texas". There was a little bit of excitement from the fellow Texans in the crowd, but most of the excitement was from Elder Gavin Brown! He's Bishop Monzingo's grandson. He was flipping out! He said " I KNOW HER!" and everyone laughed. That was really cool. I was going to write him a letter to tell him that I got called to the same mission, but I forgot. Oops. It was a fun surprise. I met Sister Sorensen, the daughter of the Sorensen's that just moved into your ward. I didn't really get to talk to her much, but she was so excited to see me and she was really nice and she gives really big, tight hugs. =]
My companion is Sister Brown from Midway, Utah. She has been out for about 8 months. She was called as a Mormon Batallion sister, but was taken out just to train me! She'll probably be out here for two transfers. She is way cute and really funny. But the best part is that she's a good missionary. She follows all the rules. She's obedient, which is great to have as an example. I am obedient, too, and I wanted a trainer that was really good. I got one! Opa!
Our area is the Chula Vista 3rd ward. We're white washing it. The elders that were in the ward before us were serving in Chula 2nd, too. They didn't have a lot figured out in 3rd, so Sister Brown and I are having to do a lot of work to get appointments. We have a car, by the way. I think all the sisters have a car. It's nice because we don't live in our area. We live in an apartment complex where a ton of other missionaries live. That's cool because we can get things when we need them and we play morning sports during our exercise time. Not always, though, because Sis Brown and I actually want to exercise. Which is needed a lot, because gaining weight is really easy on a mission.
So, The District, from the church is a mission training tool done by the church. The first one was in San Antonio, TX and the second (The District 2) is in San Diego, CA. I'm from TX and was living in the first mission and now I'm serving in the 2nd! Cool, huh? That's not all. For all those that know The District 2, I LIVE IN THE DISTRICT!!! Legit. I see the names of missionaries that were filmed in my area book frequently. Alejandra from the film is in my area and she's still not baptized. Jynx is in the stake and apparently she's moving to Chula 3rd which means she'll be mine and Sis Brown's investigator. There's this one clip we watch a lot about her being invited to read the Book of Mormon from Elders Moreno and Christensen. She still hasn't read it. Bum.
So, a couple of cool things that I've seen/learned since I've been out:
I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON! President Clayton gave us all a Book of Mormon with topics and colors for each time we read it. So I'm reading it looking for all of the references to Jesus Christ. I highlight them in yellow. I started from the introduction and read all of the testimonies. It was so cool. As I was reading I was being taught what a miracle it is that we even have the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful for it! I just want to tell everyone I know that it is the BEST BOOK EVER and they will want to read it because it will change their life.
Miracles happen every day when I expect it and look tot he Lord for help. This one time Sister Brown and I were trying to know what to do. We were trying tovisit some inactives/former investigators. Long story short, we waved at a man on a bike. He came over to see who was waving and he saw our tags and knew we were mormon missionaries! His brother is a member and has been since 1968 or something like that. He has a son that we met. I gave his son, Taylor, a Book of Mormon with a challenge to read Joseph Smith's testimony so that we can talk about it after the dinner we're supposed to have with him on Wednesday. We were really hoping that we could teach Bro Davies (that's his name) and his son, but we think that they live outside of our area, so we can only teach them once. Bummer.
Another time, we were trying to find this ladies apartment. We found a potential investigator in the process. We were buckling down to find her apartment again when we saw her and her husband walking away. We didn't know it was her, though. Sis Brown said "maybe that's her!" so we called her name and she turned around! The Spirit told us to call after her. She's a less active and her husband isn't a member, but he was really nice. We're going there tomorrow to give a lesson. We're definitely seeing the Spirit help us as we go about trying to build up the kingdom of God in Chula Vista 3rd ward. Sometimes we have to make an extra effort, and that's good.
Hey, I want Todd to tell Thatcher that on March 23rd I was wishing Thatcher a happy birthday. I also thought about his baptism and Tate's blessing. I saw some adorable pictures. How was it? Completely awesome!?
Brindie, I hope you heard that I said happy birthday. I was thinking about you on the 19th.
And once again, Happy Birthday, Kelsey!!! I hope you got my letter!
HEY EVERYONE! YOU CAN EMAIL ME NOW! Please, email me? At least a little bit. It's exciting for me to get email. =D Letters are fun, too. But we only get them on P-days. So, once a week I get to hear from all the people I love. Help make it count? Hee hee.
Well, I love you, Mom and Dad! I'm excited to hear more about what's going on in your life. =]
-Sister Audrey Bishop